Masterpieces of American Literature
What is STORY
The Elements of Fiction
What Is A Short Story
Literary Theory Guide
Lit. 214
Class Presentations
Colonial Period
Native American
Red Jacket's Speech
Story Collections
Lyrics, Poems and Chants
Spanish Explorers
Early Colonial
New England Primer
Anne Bradstreet
Mary Rowlandson
John Smith
John Winthrop
Colonial Song Lyrics
Colonial and Revolutionary
Ben Franklin
Advice on the Choice of a Mistress
Excerpts from The Autobiography
A Tale
Phyllis Wheatly
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Philip Freneau
Freneau Poems
Thomas Jefferson
Jupiter Hammon
An Evening Thought
Romantic Period
Elements of American Romanticism
Washington Irving
Irving's Place
Irving's Place2
Irving on the Tale
Rip Van Winkle
Rip 2
Rip 3
James Fenimore Cooper
LOTH Silent Movie
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 B
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Selected Poems
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Selected Writings
Edgar Allen Poe
Poe's Approach to Fiction
Life of Poe
Selected Poems
"The Raven"
The Black Cat
The Tell-Tale Heart
William Cullen Bryant
Bryants Poems
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Selected Poetry
Margaret Fuller
Fanny Fern
Herman Melville
Moby Dick
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Scarlett Letter Excepts
Young Goodman Brown
C. Clement Moore
Folk / Gospel
Parlor Music
Music Hall
Stephen Foster
George Root
Civil War Period
1850 - 1861
Harriet Anne Jacobs
Francis Harper
Frederick Douglass
Songs of Protest, Freedom, Sadness
1861 - 1866
Julie Ward Howe
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Abraham Lincoln
Louisa May Alcott
Misc. Poets
Warriors & Memoirs
Civil War Songs
Selected Chicago Poems
Download Selected Chicago Poems
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Back to Readings
What is STORY
The Elements of Fiction
What Is A Short Story
Literary Theory Guide
Lit. 214
Class Presentations
Colonial Period
Native American
Red Jacket's Speech
Story Collections
Lyrics, Poems and Chants
Spanish Explorers
Early Colonial
New England Primer
Anne Bradstreet
Mary Rowlandson
John Smith
John Winthrop
Colonial Song Lyrics
Colonial and Revolutionary
Ben Franklin
Advice on the Choice of a Mistress
Excerpts from The Autobiography
A Tale
Phyllis Wheatly
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Philip Freneau
Freneau Poems
Thomas Jefferson
Jupiter Hammon
An Evening Thought
Romantic Period
Elements of American Romanticism
Washington Irving
Irving's Place
Irving's Place2
Irving on the Tale
Rip Van Winkle
Rip 2
Rip 3
James Fenimore Cooper
LOTH Silent Movie
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 B
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Selected Poems
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Selected Writings
Edgar Allen Poe
Poe's Approach to Fiction
Life of Poe
Selected Poems
"The Raven"
The Black Cat
The Tell-Tale Heart
William Cullen Bryant
Bryants Poems
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Selected Poetry
Margaret Fuller
Fanny Fern
Herman Melville
Moby Dick
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Scarlett Letter Excepts
Young Goodman Brown
C. Clement Moore
Folk / Gospel
Parlor Music
Music Hall
Stephen Foster
George Root
Civil War Period
1850 - 1861
Harriet Anne Jacobs
Francis Harper
Frederick Douglass
Songs of Protest, Freedom, Sadness
1861 - 1866
Julie Ward Howe
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Abraham Lincoln
Louisa May Alcott
Misc. Poets
Warriors & Memoirs
Civil War Songs