Composition No. 2: Biography Paper
You are to write a short personal or professional biography of 20th century poet, author or playwright. Document according to MLA guidelines, as best as you know how. If you have little experience properly documenting a paper, I can assist, as can The Write Place. ECC Library’s website also contains excellent links.
The paper's length should be between 900 ─ 1200 words or so (3 full pages minimum. This would be 5 ½ to 6 pages typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.
The writers and poets must have written between 1859 to Present. Also, they must be citizens or residents of the United States or its territories. European, South American, African, and Asian writers and poets are specifically ineligible. Writers who are exceptions to this rule would be Canadian or Mexican writers/poets who publish extensively, using English, in the United States. Pauline Johnson (Native American [Canadian]) is such an example.
The paper’s purpose is to explore one major aspect of an author’s life or works. The paper can be general or explicit. Examples can go like these below:
How did her life’s experiences guide the subjects of Charlotte Perkins Gilman?
A professional biography concerning career of a particular author.
How did Hemingway’s being wounded in World War 1 help determine his novels and short stories?
These are simply suggestions. You may, of course, deal simply with biography of one aspect of an author’s life.
The due date is March 17, 2015
You are to write a short personal or professional biography of 20th century poet, author or playwright. Document according to MLA guidelines, as best as you know how. If you have little experience properly documenting a paper, I can assist, as can The Write Place. ECC Library’s website also contains excellent links.
The paper's length should be between 900 ─ 1200 words or so (3 full pages minimum. This would be 5 ½ to 6 pages typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.
The writers and poets must have written between 1859 to Present. Also, they must be citizens or residents of the United States or its territories. European, South American, African, and Asian writers and poets are specifically ineligible. Writers who are exceptions to this rule would be Canadian or Mexican writers/poets who publish extensively, using English, in the United States. Pauline Johnson (Native American [Canadian]) is such an example.
The paper’s purpose is to explore one major aspect of an author’s life or works. The paper can be general or explicit. Examples can go like these below:
How did her life’s experiences guide the subjects of Charlotte Perkins Gilman?
A professional biography concerning career of a particular author.
How did Hemingway’s being wounded in World War 1 help determine his novels and short stories?
These are simply suggestions. You may, of course, deal simply with biography of one aspect of an author’s life.
The due date is March 17, 2015